Thursday, June 11, 2009

I want you to know the world is going to end in 2012.

One of the last remaining dredges left over from the Alaska Gold Rush. This picture will never cease to remind me of the beauty and history here in Nome. It's weird how much it reminds me of the modern Wild West. I'll have to post pictures of Front Street, it's remarkable. 

I'm leaving Saturday. One way ticket purchased and Hostel accommodations reserved for Anchorage, then down to the Kenai Peninsula for a couple months assisting in Safari Wilderness trips throughout southern Alaska. This past month has lazily come to an end, guaranteeing a time me and Maggie won't soon forget. If you're interesting in checking out the company I'm working for (which I highly recommend for the perfect Alaskan getaway) the website is . Maggie will be working and living 40 minutes away at - the location of that lodge could make a heart skip a beat. 

I guess I should mention/apologize for the poor photo quality. My 10mp camera shit the bed, so I've been using my iPhone. But hey, for a cellular phone, they ain't too shabby. 

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Alaskan Backscratcher

This is what we call an Alaskan Backscratcher. It is the severed, dried foot of a swan. Being a long standing vegetarian, I can not condone the removal of Swan's feet for personal use. This was my dad's, and funny enough one of them was stolen just last week, he had the full set. 

And yes, it rests on the porch on top of an empty keg.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Some croquis I whipped together for a short presentation/concept board, the theme was "Vintage St. Tropez". Think classic Bridgitte Bardot meets Coco Chanel in the summertime.